Originally Posted By: Mignon
I agree with SB. If the preacher of my church(Church Of Christ)decided he wasn't going to preach God's word according to the scriptures and preached false doctrine instead I would speak out against him and if nothing was done I would find another congregation to attend.

Some of comments certainly blown out of proportion. I watched a few of his sermons on youtube, and the vast majority of the "scary quotes" were definitely taken out of context. Wright embraces a radical interpretation of Christianity that takes "turn the other cheek" and "examine yourself first" very seriously. Yet he definitely definitely has nutty theories on race, such as the US government using AIDS to suppress blacks. But given the US long history of brutal medical experiments on black people ( Tuskagee is only the tip of the iceburg) and he is from that generation, I can understand, but not condone, his hysteria.

But I think the issue here is why the media focused so hard on Wright but doesn't spend a second focusing on the white pastors who support John McCain. This is just more evidence of the racism that still exists in this society. So when do we start seeing the media examining John (the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon) Hagee or Rod (the USA was founded by God to eradicate Islam) Parsley? Because while McCain doesn't actually attend their churches on a regular basis, he sure did do a lot of running after them for an endorsement.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"