Yes like everyone else I saw something new after watching GF1 for the 100th time. A parallel of sorts.

We see Michael enter the mall(w/ Clemenza and Tom? then greeted by Tessio), then the house with Clemenza after the "hospital thing". Michael enters the mall and looks around and is observing. This is a prequel to him designing the hit on Sol & Mac. His first murders. His making his bones in a way.

Later we see Michael exit the house(w/ Clemenza in car, Tom at his side and his new men in Roci and Neri) as Carlo is headed toward "push up daisies-land"... Tessio has been chauffeured himself just a little while before.

So in summary. Michael first enters the house on way to becoming GF and then he exits as Victorious GF when his plan has all but been executed securing his future... well sorta