(Second Viewing)

The 1960s for James Bond were a very prosperous time, however if I remember from my viewings of the 1970s, they weren't so. Thus begins the era of the campy Bonds, transitioning from Sean Connery to Roger Moore after George Lazenby went one-and-done. The assassins Mr. Kidd and Mr. Wint were pretty cool.

FYI - did anyone know Sammy Davis Jr had a cameo in this film? It was a deleted scene

Warning, Spoiler:
Also, for a story gap, apparently the Plenty O'Toole character played by Lana Wood, is the dead women in Tiffany Cases' pool. When Lana is thrown out the window and into the pool of the Las Vegas hotel were James is staying, the henchmen are there for Tiffany. In the deleted scene, Plenty sneaks back in while James and Tiffany do their thing and grabs Tiffany's address. Later on when James is waiting for Tiffany at her place after she was to pick up the diamonds, Plenty's been killed in the pool.