Originally posted by juventus:
Mario Puzo maked a big mistake in the Godfather (the book).
He confused Maranzano and Masseria.
The man in the book (and in the film) that he called Maranzala was in real life Maranzano.

The man he called Maranzano in the book was in real life Masseria.

But maybe anyone can explain my story better cause English is not my first language..
How do you know that Mario made a mistake?
Did you know Mario Puzo personally?
What if he really intended to use "Maranzano" instead of "Masseria", and "Maranzala" instead of "Maranzano?

Correct me if I am wrong ; but, unless you knew Mario Puzo personally, and you knew what he was thinking when he wrote the book, then you can say that he made a "big mistake".

Death be not proud, though some have called thee Might and dreadful, for thou art not so... One short sleep past, we wake eternally, and death shall be no more: Death, thou shalt die.