There Will Be Blood is indeed fantastic, Irish - I think it's better than No Country For Old Men, but they're two entirely different films, of course, compared to one another only because of release date and critical buzz (for my money, Zodiac is just behind TWBB for last year's best film).

SPOILERS AHEAD (Please read, if you've seen it; and offer thoughts...)

It's such a profound masterpiece: an engrossing, well-acted character study on one level, yet another we have a battle of wits between ruthless capitalism (Plainview) and the passive-aggressive Church (Eli Sunday) - the latter being smug and outdated, the former being charming and victorious, but to what end? Plainview's business methods win in the end, but he's cold and alone, without family or purpose; a bored, embittered alcoholic.

I also love the ominous title: There Will Be Blood, though we only see glimpses of it through oiling accidents throughout, until the violent, shocking (and warranted?) climax. But "blood" also means that of family, too: Daniel's adopted blood, in "son" H.W., whom he abandons twice in the film because of a perceived weakness, and the fraudulent blood of his "brother", Henry. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?