Originally posted by Snake:
Excellent points, Ricardo and Michael Barzini! The "prayer" thing would've been appropriate and telling, Michael Barzini. I agree with you 100% Ricardo, save for the Luca thing. It's not that I disagree with your speculation, it's just that I'm not sure. The FCC seems to have gotten somewhat more lenient over the past few years. I noticed on a C.S.I. episode, for instance, they depicted an officer picking up a dead infant who had been left outside to the mercy of the elements (he died of exposure), and it wasn't like a quick 2-second shot either. Even more surprising was how real the dead infant looked...that is, assuming it wasn't an actual sleeping infant. But, on the other hand, the FCC still makes Tony Montana ask, "How am I gonna get a scar like that eating 'pineapple,' mang?" grin I don't know. It'd be a tough call.
Yes PARTICULARLY Horror Movies

Movies that were Banned, Blurred, and Bleeped, are now being shown Un-Cut.

Luca could pass with Nc-17, no doubt.

CSI, perhaps it was because it WASN'T a murder, we can see dead bodies, but we can't see people KILLING them!

Moe Greens' Red Eye is OBVIUOSLY too light to be blood! (Reminds me of Pink Lemonade)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre FINALLY came out on Video.

I've researched a LOT of movies on imdb.com and it seems that alot of old movies that were edited for Content, were passed Un-Cut in April 2001.

Did the FFC/MPAA change their minds about Blood and Gore?

Still gotta eat those Pineapples. But MAYBE we can see the FULL "ANd the Leg" scene.

Oh yeah, what about that OTHER cut scene with Mike and Kay in bed...the one at celebrityx.com? wink

I just watched Once Upon A Time In AMerica on AMC, I realized a) It's a GREAT movie, B) Upon researching it at imdb.com, there are a LOT of Television Cuts (Almost an HOUR!), and C) the language edited wasn't that bad, and should be shown Uncut to "Preserve Artistic Integrity"

I LOVE (Young) Deborah!

We can see Godfather Un-Cut on TNN because there are only FEW curses, and NO F*cks. We can;t hear somebody say F*ck, but we can watch somebody get their D!ck Sucked, Get their brains blown, and get their noses packed!

But we can;t say shit...Somebody's Priorities are off.

FCC doesn't seem to have anything on Eminem.

He Killed his wife AGAIN, he burnt down the White House, He Pissed on the Flag, He's ANTI-US ARMY, He STILL disobeys lawyers and defames his Mother, and ex-wife, and he STILL says F*ck so many times it rivals Scarface! He STILL Kills whores, but a LOT less about Drugs!

So much for Censorship! At least Most Godfather fans are 21+, while Most Eminem fans are -18.