And then there were 9. Cheesy was going soon anyway, although I liked him. He has a good voice, but something is missing. At this point who are the top 3? Michael John, David A, and one of the girls. None of the girls really stand out. Carly is a screamer; Sayesha is like so many other soul-singers; Rami, nice voice but kind of stuck in the pop-mode; Brooke....not a great voice, but pleasant - she can sell a song; Kristy...tick, tick, tick, she's cute but no pizazz. David Cook had his big moment, but he will go the way of Chris Dautrey - just not enough voters among the older crowd and the 13 year olds.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12