I'm taking it you mean which Novel scenes should have been in the movie?

The Bandleader...Les Halley

Tessio killing maranzano-we don't see Tessio kill ANYBODY!

Neri cracking ax Baines witha flashlight

Book IX: Kay leaves Mike, tom talks Kay into coming home. ORIGINALLy in GF2 script.

Nino Valenti singing at Connie's wedding.

Jules repairing Mike's jaw.

Luca & Filomena

The extra dons at the Meeting

Anthony Coppola meeting Vito at wedding was in Early GF script as Francesco Nippi so as not to confuse with FFC!

You guys forgot trhe MOST Important!

Mike and Neri POP Fabrizzio!!!

An added bonues would be Deanna Dun "Performing".

And Neri killing Moe Greene.

I think Sally Rags should have ben included.

Puzo wrot e a short story about Sally Ragustafoli (?) in the GF Confessions. You'd think he would have had more ground in GF!

The Irish/Castellmare war should ahve been in GF3!

One thing that's BETTER than the book is Ciccio/Andolini/Mosca/Strollo/Abbandando/Paolo/Mari ANdolini rather than one paragraph about Vito's (UNNMANED) Father killing (UNNAMED) Mafia Chieftain.

WHile we are on the topic of Luca Brasi...

Where doe sit say the lines that are quoted all the time and quoted by Jim Carey in Mask?

I don't rememebr it exactly but something about "which gun you think i'm gonna shoot at ya"?