Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
David C. was amazing.


Carly was horrible. ......I thought it was funny that Paula said that people would run to buy her CD, considering that nobody bought the LAST ONE...

And I'm fairly sure we'll be saying goodbye to Ramiele. Zzzzzzz once again.

As for Kristy's song choice, it was quite clever, as Simon said. The little country girl is not dumb, that's for sure.

David Cook's "Billy Jean" - I'm not sure about that rendition. Re working a song can get a little pretentious, like doing it for the sake of doing something different. I can't look at the guy. The hairdo is pretentious. He can sing though.

Jason.....the goody-goody, feel good act is wearing thin. The guy is one dimensional.

Carly - screamer, in fact there was a lot of screaming going on last night.

Rami.....she's cute, but soon she will be gone. Nice voice, but not much versatility or personality.

Kristy, very slick song choice as Simon pointed out. I told my wife that she's got the Pickler factor working for her, but she's not the naive, dumb blonde. She has a decent voice, and she's cute, but she's got no fire inside or rhythymn.

Last edited by MaryCas; 03/26/08 09:10 AM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12