The grafitti tags are nothing new round my way.

I'll tell you a little story. When i was growing up in the late 70's/early 80's there was a gang on my estate called the LBAB (Longbenton Agro boys). I know it is'nt very original but this lot were a fearsome bunch of glue sniffing skinhead hooligans who would beat anybody up for a laugh. They made the shopping centre a no go area and sprayed their monicker,LBAB, on every available surface.
Now this motley bunch are long gone, but the tag LBAB still pops up everywhere. The youngsters who did it are probably the grandchildren of the originals. As for the original bunch?

I know for a fact that 2 are in prison and one is dead. Another has a grandson who plays football in my sons team. I stand and talk to him every Saturday. He is over 50 now and a real pussycat.25 years ago and i would have shit my pants at the sight of him

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!