Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
MC, you big meanie!! Picking on poor Elliott "I'm half-deaf and can still sing better than you" Yamin.

What I think is funny is that Carrie Underwood, who they couldn't wait to crown, was completely unable to emotionally connect to her songs (see her smiling throughout "Independence Day", a song about an abused woman who kills her man), yet Kristy's stiffness bothers them.

Meanie?! I resemble that remark.

All kiddink aside. I liked Elliot BECAUSE of his emotional response.

I wasn't into the Idol too much until the year after Carrie Underwear. But what you said about her emotional unconnectedness...she played in A.C. a few weeks ago. She opened for Keith Urban. The A.C. Press gave Urban glowing reviews, but they were a not as gushing about Carrie. They pretty much said that her performance was dull. Consider too that Dallas Cowboy QB Tony Romo was dating her and then took up with Jessica Simpson. Maybe he found her too unemotional.

I'm pulling for Kristy. She won't win, but she's not as bad as some people say. Right now I might take her over fake-smile Say-yes-sha.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12