I first saw the flick when it first hit cable ('80?). It was actually reading this BB that inspired me to go out and buy a copy of the book! Although I've seen the movie a hundred times, I'm finding the novel a real page-turner! It gives so much rich insight into the characters, like Johnny Fontaine, and of course the Corleones. For example, I never appreciated Woltz's refusal of Don Corleone until reading the novel. I thought he was just an idiot; but the novel brings out Woltz's own "connections," and you no longer wonder why he thought he was immune to Corleone's threats. I also picked up "Omerta," but haven't read it yet. I just wanna thank you guys for inspiring me to leggo of a few bucks and expand my GF & Puzo knowledge! [Linked Image]

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)