Originally posted by joshyz:
Anything by Raymond Carver has been fantastic. JD Salinger. Fitzgerald. David Sedaris. Like I said the Godfather was a very interesting story it was just poorly written. Puzo tells a lot of what's happening. He doesn't let the reader discover it on their own.
I agree that Salinger and Fitzgerald are both great novelists. You'd have a tough time finding someone who disputes that. The Catcher in the Rye and The Great Gatsby are among the greatest novels ever writen. But come on, David Sadaris? I have Me Talk Pretty One Day sitting right next to me. Sure his stories are funny, but to even compare his work with Mario Puzos is hard for me to imagine. For those of you who don't know Sadaris, he basically recounts funny stories of his daily life and puts a bunch together and makes a book. He's not even a novelist. So, I agree with you that he is a good writer, but putting him against Puzo(especially The Godfather ) is like putting Chris Witney against Michael Jordan.

And I also feel that The Godfather was very well written.

"As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a gangster." - Henry Hill