Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
The Clintons are alienating the very people who put them in office. Without the black vote, Bill Clinton's still boffing Paula Jones in an Arkansas Super 8 motel room. He would be mentioned as an afterthought, like Gary Hart.

As far as Geraldine Ferraro, she should really quit talking.

Amazing how "The First Black Presidency" quickly threw the black base under the bus. I mean, when Hillary ran that "3 AM" ad with a WHITE GIRL, and a booming voice asking if voters want a BLACK MAN running the show....

That's blatant race baiting this side of the infamous "Call Me!" Ad during the 2006 Tennessee Senate race that was run against the black Democratic candidate.

Then again, that's the Clintons for you.

As for Ferraro, amazing how the Feminist Generation has gone all "racial concious," and if this was any other election, it would be American Liberalism itself split apart...to the benefit of the GOP.