Originally Posted By: olivant
 Originally Posted By: goombah
 Originally Posted By: olivant
By the way, I don't understand how a re-vote, as you call it, would disenfranchise anyone.

Are you kidding me? Regardless of whether you would feel disenfranchised if it happened in your state, I guarantee that many African-American and minority voters will feel that way. Think about it - we have the first African-American candidate in history come this far in a presidential primary (leading the delegate count with over 30 states voting). Obama has earned that lead by adhering to the rules that have been long established by the DNC. Whether or not it is true, there will be accusations that bending the rules was to help the white candidate and to keep the African-American candidate down. Having a re-vote puts the Democrats in a nearly impossible situation: let the voices of the voters in Michigan & Florida be heard or risk offending a huge number of minority voters.

Oh gee, we don't want to offend any minority voters. Golllly. Shucks, darn, heck. Their poor feelings.

You still haven't explained how a re-vote would disenfranchise anyone.

No, actually I did explain. You obviously disagree and do so in a condescending manner.

Let me put this in even more plain English. If Obama's lead and nomination are taken away as the result of a re-vote, most minorities who voted for him will feel like the deck is forever stacked against a minority candidate being president. A re-vote gives the wrong message: all anybody has to do is whine long enough until they get their way, regardless of the rules. That's not the kind of standard I want my kids growing up to see.