Hillary was in Scranton yesterday evening, and is speaking at noon in Harrisburg while Obama is outside of Philly.

On Saturday Scranton holds its St. Patrick's Day Parade, which has always been one of the largest in the country and attracts tens of thousands of people to the city. Reports are that both Hillary and Obama will march in the parade. Northeastern PA has always been staunchly Democratic, and the pair will be well received (if they do attend). I always return to Scranton for this parade, but will miss it this year as my younger son has a basketball tournament in Williamsport.

On Sunday night Bill Clinton is expected to attend the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick dinner in Scranton. This is the third largest Friendly Sons dinner, and this year's speaker is the President of Ireland although I'm sure there will be room for Bill on the dais. Usually, the keynote speaker during an election year is one of the presidential candidates.