I love stand up. We've got a Comedy Store here in Manchester and I'm there every month or so. I'm a big fan of the compere, Mick Ferry, even though he has DESTROYED me for being from Scunthorpe. Then he found out I moved to Salford. I was a comedians dream that night.

But he is actually incredible. I've seen tons of live comedians and alot have excellent routines. However only a select few are able to improvise. Mick Ferry can work off anyone and the crowd interaction is brilliant.

For more known comedians I'd go for Ross Noble. He's a genius. He's actually known for not finishing his planned routines because he digresses so much. I saw him live and still don't know the end to the story about prawns from Sainsbury's. But it doesn't matter, his natural interaction with the audience was so much better.

And a special mention for Dave Gorman. He is a real leg end.

So die all who betray Giuliano