Originally Posted By: Tony Love
That's definitely true, but my question is, what has inspired the shift? Was it the Nixon administration? Watergate? Or was it just a turn of political tide?

Just a thought..

After Nixon and Watergate I believe there was a general feeling of disgust and disdain for the corruption in politics, and a yearning to embrace simpler and more wholesome times.

As a result, we elected Jimmy Carter in 1976. he was relatively unknown, but was a genuine down-home guy. John Denver became even more popular and "The Waltons" was a top tv show. Many of the top movies post Nixon were touchy feely.

Of course, the hostage crisis hit us in late-1979 and the pendulum started swinging the opposite way, and paved the way for Ronald Reagan, who had no prayer of being elected in '76.

The pendulum keeps swinging.