THE HOT ROCK (1972) ***

Considering that Robert Redford was probably the biggest movie star of the time, this movie is pretty obscure. It stars Redford as a career thief just sprung from a stretch in prison and immediately contracted to steal an emerald by a small African nation (the emerald has some political history to it).

As far as comedic heist movies go, it was actually very enjoyable. The grittiness of the New York City of the early 70's was very apparent, with some great shots of the old New York Coliseum (a very forgetful building in the annals of New York architecture) and a wonderful early shot of the World Trade Center.

George Segal co-stars ar Redford's best friend and Zero Mostel was hilarious in his small role.

If you can find a copy, it's definitely worth a viewing.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.