Welcome, BestMovieEver! Jeez, quite a lot of insight for a fourteen year-old! It sure shames this 40 year-old college grad!
Anyways, back to the sex thing: I s'pose writers feel sex should be a part of their novels for a variety of reaons: (1) Let's face it, sex SELLS; (2) it's a part of most normal people's lives; and (3) it can sometimes alter the outcome of relationships developed in the book. But I'm really glad FFC left it out of the movies (except, of course, for Appollonia's nipple-less scene!). The movie was classier and better without it. The book? I don't think it really added to nor took from the guts of the novel. But whad do I know? orange

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)