What do I really feel? Well, being fourteen gives me a half-child half-adult perception in both the novel and the movie. Actually, I've seen the whole trilogy about two to three times, for my cousin has the DVD's. Actually, the reason why I even bothered to watch the movie is that because of the Rugrats In Paris movie by the Rugrats!!! The movie(The Rugrats) started out great and I thought that it would be interesting if I watched the movie (The Godfather). I did, and I felt that I just had to start from the beginning after I watched it because of the emotions and the passion developing in our watcher's minds.
Well, to tell you the truth, it was overwhelming when I read the novel because Mario Puzo clearly had that same passion that Francis Ford Coppola felt when he directed the movie. Did you also know that Francis Ford Coppola tore ou each page of the novel, pasted it in a "border-wrap" fashion, and took notes before he started directing the movie. He knew where the scenes had to stop and start, and that's why the movie was so different from the novel. It was viewed by two different people with the same ideas, and the movie is comprised because of these people who really wanted to express the feelings and the theme of the book, with the reality that binds around it.

Best Movie Ever-