Originally Posted By: klydon1

I bet the DNC didn't count on this being such a close race when they stripped Michigan and Florida of their delegates. That's over 200 delegates between them that won't have a voice in determining the nominee. Clinton would love to have them, especially since she would have likely garnered the majority of these.

I think the DNC grossly miscalculated the race. Why wasn't someone like Howard Dean screaming at the top of his lungs not to mess around by running the risk of losing those delegates? I think the party dropped the ball on this one instead of quashing the idea of holding the unapproved primaries.

Klydon - do you think PA will be close? I know you posted the latest polls, but what is the sense you are getting? I thought OH would be much closer than it turned out to be. I knew a fair number of people who were undecided until recently and then decided to vote for Obama. I thought the end result in OH would have been a 2-3 point Clinton victory. So what do I know?