Originally posted by Bogus Castellano:

Oh really? One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest included stuff about whores and sluts.

Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Sartre, and other Nihilists had stuff about cruel stuff--take Sartre's NO EXIT for example...

I've read them all voluntarily...and I am to reread them all when I'm 15...

I've seen the goriest movies--Starship Troopers, the most violent movies--Platoon, the most profane movies--Scarface, the most sexual movies--American Pie, the movie with most adult situations--Midnight Cowboy, the movie with most nudity--American Beauty.

Anyone wanna challenge that?

You crazy guy. Do you sometimes not wash your hands after going to the toilet too because that would be just too mental.


So die all who betray Giuliano