Radiohead is just wonderful, so much so that I just can't even pick a particular album of theirs that I always return to. They're just generally great.

I've been thinking about it lately, and my "top ten albums" list is beginning to look rather concrete... I'd say the majority of the albums in there are ones I'm convinced I'll love and listen to forever, where as it used to change constantly based upon my mood. Well, that's looking like this, and I'm perfectly comfortable in saying they are collectively some of the best albums I've ever heard, and may ever hear... Anyways, here they are in the order they've just occurred to me now:

Kid A Radiohead (2000)
Strawberry Jam Animal Collective (2007)
The Velvet Underground & Nico The Velvet Underground (1967)
( ) Sigur Rós (2002)
Blood Sugar Sex Magik Red Hot Chili Peppers (1991)
Double Nickels on the Dime Minutemen (1984)
Band of Gypsys Jimi Hendrix (1970)
Tera Melos Tera Melos (2005)
Lover, the Lord Has Left Us (2006)
Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd (1973)

"Somebody told me when the bomb hits, everybody in a two mile radius will be instantly sublimated, but if you lay face down on the ground for some time, avoiding the residual ripples of heat, you might survive, permanently fucked up and twisted like you're always underwater refracted. But if you do go gas, there's nothing you can do if the air that was once you is mingled and mashed with the kicked up molecules of the enemy's former body. Big-kid-tested, motherf--ker approved."