Originally Posted By: Longneck
I've just recently gotten into Springsteen. Born in the USA is the most annoying song in the world, but Born to Run is one of the best.

I don't think I have ever heard BITUSA referred to as "annoying." To each his own - I think it is one of Bruce's ten best songs. If you're just getting into the Boss, Longneck, you ought to check out Darkness on the Edge of Town and The River, two of his most important albums. The BITUSA album is sometimes criticized by old school Springsteen fans, but I rate it as one of his best. How can you go wrong with an album that contains the title song, "Darlington County," "No Surrender," "Dancing in the Dark," and "Glory Days" all from the same record?

Back to the topic, I never tire of Springsteen, nearly all from the Stones, and 90% of Led Zeppelin (the ones that have not been "classic rocked" to death).