Originally posted by JaneM:
I just re-read the novel, and I forced myself to read every page, rather than breezing through the Jules Segal and Lucy bits. I had not really been aware of the heavy and totally irrelevent and lurid sexual content of the novel.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not offended by the content, but it just seems so mis-placed in this great novel. Was it just a device to increase sales?

I first read the novel as a 13 year old schoolgirl, and I remember being profoundly shocked by the novel, the first 'adult' book I had read.

How do other women feel about this?

I'm thirteen right now.


Godfather rocks!

"It is no secret that organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a year. This is quite a profitable sum, especially when one considers that the Mafia spends very little for office supplies."
-Woody Allen

"I'm going to blame some of the people in this room. And that, I do not forgive."

-Don Vito Corleone