As far as the Movie is concerned, the senate hearings involving Michael. While in the movie, Pentangelli turns government witness but later recinds his testimony, In real life Joe Valachi did wind up testifying against his boss. Pentangelli was loosely based on Valachi. Also the characters of the Rosatto Brothers, they were based on real life mobsters named The Gallo Brothers. In the movie they set up Pentangelli for a hit at a bar, then it turned into an all out shootout. In real life when the Gallo brothers were having problems with what I believe was the Profaci family ( who happened to be an Olive Oil King, sound familiar? ), they had set up a meeting at a bar whcih turned into a serious shootout.

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Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.