Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
(and for your information, even in the threads that I do moderate, I've never banned or even suspended a member of this board.)

Well then I'm glad to know your constant threats are empty. Although you do delete posts you don't like or that make you look bad sometimes.

Let's also get something straight DC, I honestly enjoy your posts when you aren't talking down to other people. Especially about Mafia related stuff, you are very knowledgeable and informative. In fact you and I also have very similar politics. I just find it strange that there are a lot of people who feel the way I do about this, and there doesn't seem to be any problems with the other moderators. It's just you. When there is a problem that J Geoff, SC and Don Sicilia take care of they handle it in a much more professional manner. Short and to the point, end of problem. You make it personal by arguing and giving big lectures like you're a school principal talking to little kids or something like that.

You certainly are allowed to voice your opinions, but unfortunately you don't always allow the rest of us to do so. And I'm not talking about the direct attacks on people, such as Irishman. You get upset with anyone who has a different opinion as you and the threats start coming out or posts get deleted.

If I was the only one that felt this way then I would just keep my mouth shut. I probably should anyway, but I love this BB and I'm tired of seeing good members stop coming around because of this.

People on power trips usually don't realize they're on one.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes