Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble

But because you're a moderator and you add a gangster movie related accent (in this case, Scarface), it's supposed to be completely acceptable.

But I am much more aggravated by people who are given power for a good reason but use it to make a scene as part of their power trip.

Let's get some things straight here Blibble.

If you think, for one minute that I need to come to this place in order to go on a power trip, you are gravely mistaken. I happen to enjoy this place very much and I just refuse to stand by any longer and watch a couple of the usual suspects continue to try and instigate, start trouble and basically pollute almost every other topic whenever they see an opportunity to do so.

As a matter of fact you've been quite vocal over the past few weeks, especially when I've made a reply to those who have tried to instigate or attack another member. But I guess that you think that because you don't moderate any threads, it's ok for you to do so, but that it's not ok for me to reply to those kinds of antics and voice my feelings.

Why shouldn't I be entitled to voice my opinion on here just because I happen to be a moderator over in several OTHER threads? Why should you be allowed to but me not allowed to?

A also happen to feel that several here repeatedly pick on Irish for no damn reason other than to feel like bigshots and tough guys. And Irish has been pretty damn tolerable with them.

You're as bad as the people you moderate. The only difference is you have been given power to do so here.

I don't moderate this thread. ;\)

(and for your information, even in the threads that I do moderate, I've never banned or even suspended a member of this board.)

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.