I always seem to defend the book as I always say nearly any book is better than any movie based on it. Im still yet to be proven wrong. But many people in here would still prefer the Godfather movie to the novel.

Books can go on for aslong as the writer likes, if its good enough the reader will read it. But movies have to entertain a new audience of people, many of whom have shorter attention spans so the average film length is around 2 hours. For some films/epics they can aproach the 3 hour mark. Its not often they go on for longer than that and still keep the attention of the viewer. So therefore many scenes that could have been included never make it into the movie.

Imagine if all that crap with Docter Jules Sagel was included in the movie.

Have I actually made a point or is this pointless banter? rolleyes cool

So die all who betray Giuliano