Originally Posted By: Aristotle
 Originally Posted By: BDuff
No the guy had to take a piss, if wanted to kill he had his chance...why wait?

if the trucker wasnt there to kill tony why would david make such a big deal about a trucker taking a bloody piss.
I have read alot about the last episode on many websites.
Most of the things said lead to tony dieing.

First of all, Welcome Aristotle!

The people that post on those websites are fans just like you and I. Unless they've actually spoken to members of the show - particularly Chase - then it's all opinions and theories. Fun stuff to read though.

Im not stating what I think happened, but Chase may have put the guy in there for a dramatic effect. For the last scene, we become Tony Soprano. We see how he takes every precaution, evaluating everyone as a potential threat, always looking over his shoulder. What a way to live - in constant fear.

If anything, I'm leaning towards that trucker who had sitting down in a booth, drinking coffee. He was dressed incognito - that hat helped to conceal his identity.