Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
We watched The Transporter last night, about an ex-Army man who "transports" packages for bad guys, no questions asked. Until one day, he breaks his own rule and looks in the package, only to discover a pretty Asian woman. Naturally, all hell breaks loose soon after.

It started out well enough as an amusing action flick with a good car chase. As the movie progressed, the plot became sillier and more unbelievable. The chase scenes were good and the fight scenes were well-choreographed, but the storyline was stupid and full of holes.

Yeah, the plot for TRANSPORTER is garbage, and the caucasian villain....he couldn't act his way out of a bag of Doritos.

That said, the reason to watch TRANSPORTER is for Jason fuckin Statham. His fights are so awesome, and he has such masculine charisma, he (nearly) carries this movie by himself.