Some of my favorite lines from Frank are from the "Festivus" episode:

"As I reined blows down upon him, I knew there had to be a better way. From that incident, a new holiday was born: a Festivus for the rest of us."

"My son tells me your company stinks. You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe...I lost my train of thought."

"I find tinsel distracting."

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Two classics, Goombah. And no matter how many times I hear it, I always laugh at the way Jerry says "Hello Newman," as well as how ballistic Newman goes whenever someone denigrates the mail system.

One of my favorite Newman moments were when he & Kramer decided to sell used records. They went into the store and the guy only wanted to give them $5 for their records, which was far lower than what they expected. Newman kept repeating Kramer's disparaging remarkes back to the record store owner in response to the low-ball offer:

"You emit a foul & unpleasant odor."
"You are a piece of crap."
"I find you extremely ugly."