Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Now they are going after Obama because he is a good orator. Truth is he's got as many 5 point plans on his website as anyone, and furthermore nobody pays a damn bit of attention tho that wonkish stuff anyway. The three people who insisted on droning on and on about these things were MOndale, Gore and Dukakis, and look where it got them. On the other hand the best orators of the last half Century were JFK Reagan, and Bill Clinton, and love 'em or not, they were more effective leaders than the non orators like Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter.

Hillary's Wisconsin Ad slamming Obama to do another debate was just fucking embarrasing.

How many debates had these two been involved in anyway? 10? 30?

Besides, a candidate begging openly for a debate is a sign of pure electoral weakness.

You oldtimers remember McGovern in 1972, who dogged Nixon about a debate. Nixon was always so high up in the polls, he told McGovern to eat it.

Well, he did in November.