Jesus Christ, I feel like I've had a shot of glucose in my arm. Just watched Punch-Drunk Love (Anderson/2002), and haven't felt as nervous or energetic or claustrophobic in a while. Talk about sustained relentless rhythms; that elongated music that plays throughout the early day-at-work scene (that culminates in Lena giving Barry her number and address), and the volume at which it plays, made me shiver with excitement. It's very effectively nauseating.

I think it's a really interesting neo-noir, too; an everyman seduced into a dodgy deal and dangerous underworld by an unknown (literally, here) femme fatale. Sandler's brilliant, as is Hoffman in the few scenes he's in.

As a fan of justified violence and as someone who relates to internal anger (and redemptive love; the scene where Barry confronts the supervisor and says he has so much strength in him now because of the love in his life made me want to jump up with joy), I thought it was a masterpiece. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?