I admit to being a political geek these days. I watch a lot of cable political news, have watched most of the debates (on both sides) and read quite a few blogs and political sites. \:\) So, based only on that, a few observations:

1. Dems who support Obama, will also be ok with Hillary should she get the nomination. However, for the most part, those who support Clinton do nothing but trash Obama and say they won't vote at all or they'll go with McCain. Lots of anger there.

2. I also wonder, from what I've read, if many of the ladies (especially in my age group) that are of the "woman's lib" generation, are perhaps favoring Clinton because she is female. When truth is, I am pleased to see that we are ready for either a female and/or black President, even if they don't win this time around. \:\)

3. Listening to NPR last week as they were interviewing foreign dignitaries from Germany & Russia (sorry, don't remember names). Both were saying how their countries are totalling following this election as well. They are fascinated by Obama, and Germany couldn't see the big deal of a woman leader, as their Chancellor is female. They both said they heard in both Clinton/Obama's speeches how "American is broken" and both asked what they meant by that and wanted them to elaborate. Interesting for sure. Since these countries will be dealing with America, and since we are not very well liked right now, I can imagine they have a legitimate interest.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon