John Lewis, a black Georgia congressman, announced today that although he backed Clinton, he will pledge his superdelegate vote to Obama. David Scott, another black Georgia dem, did the same earlier this week. This may encourage other black superdelegate voters to do the same.

Just to catch him in the pledged delegate count, she'd have to take two thirds of the overall vote in the states she's counting on. Couple this with the potential superdelegates switching over to Obama and I think it's all over. It seems to me the rats are already jumping off the ship.

I'll tell you one thing. If he wins the pledged delegate count and they try to hand her the nomination anyway, it will set race relations in this country back 50 years. I'll quit the democratic party and register as an independent the very same day.

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"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.