Originally Posted By: goombah
If Hillary is the nominee, which I don't think she will be, I would vote for her. She is not the greatest person the Dems could run out there, but if she does not get the nomination, she will not hurt the party. If nothing else, Bill Clinton will not let her.

I think she is as surprised as anybody about what Barak Obama has done so far. This was her chance and it does not look like it will happen. Here in Ohio, she is trailing Obama in the most recent poll for the March 4 primary.

John McCain has much reason to sweat. He's 70 years old, is the clear cut nominee, and still has to overcome a fair amount of hatred from his own party. Should he somehow overcome the doubting independents and conservatives, he still has to face the tidal wave of support Obama has been garnering.

See, I disagree about Bubba Clinton but either way Hillary/McCain would be a bitter as hell campaign where the American people pick between touching dog shit and horse shit, a gun shot or a knife stabbing, etc.

I just think if Obama gets the Democratic nomination, he will have an easier time to defeat McCain if only because McCain for the GOP right now is Kerry 2004 (and that's not in a good way) and with McCain's age.....yup.

BTW, did anyone read that DNC dirt sheet that's been circulating around about Obama's VP/Cabinet politicking?