Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
 Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I wish I knew enough about what he believes in to make a statement like that. All I know is that he's for "Change". Quite frankly, after this last administration, that just might be enough of a reason.

And he's scoring 30% approval as we speak.

I can't stand the guy, I'd like to give him a dry enema with jagged pieces of glass, so don't get me wrong, but do you remember right after 9/11, he had the highest approval rating ever?

He really should be an inspiration to us all. That a man as stupid as he is could attain the highest office in the free world, it gives us all a chance to achieve our goals.

That post made my day.


Anyway, while the media says Hillary's campaign is as dead as fried chicken, I still believe that she's Hitler 1945, where if she doesn't win, she would take her party down kicking, screaming, and burning.

If Obama indeed finishes with more delegates, but Hillary's superdelegates gets her the nomination.....there will be hell to pay.

And McCain would brush the sweat off his forehead.