I rec'd the 1st two seasons as a gift, Pizzaboy, but I never seriously considered the purchase for the mere fact that I've seen each one about 20 times on reruns. But there are obviously omitted scenes on the reruns that the dvd includes, plus some other bonuses. One omission that comes to mind is the the one where Jerry gets the haircut from Enzo. At the end, Jerry shaves Newman bald, but they never show that in the reruns. I just remember laughing so hard when it was in first-run.

My two favorite Newman moments were:

1. When Newman was driving the mailtruck and Kramer spilled the paint thinner on the road. Something creates a spark underneath Newman's truck while he is singing "Three Times a Lady." As he starts to burn, he screams "oh the humanity..." \:D

2. When Newman is confronted in a lie by Jerry about Newman's supposed love of broccoli. When forced to bite the vegetable, Newman spits it out and cries "vile weed."