Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
I'm chilled out. I'm relaxed, and in about 10 minutes I'm going to get naked.

Anyway, I saw Juno on the big screen earlier tonight. Good, pleasant and watchable; I warmed to it after some initial annoying dialogue. Quite messy, though, and rather silly in its conservatism. Michael Cera's promising, but he goes missing somewhere in the middle, and his late comeback in the script (or Juno's falling for him) feels unwarranted.

Of the 2007 mainstream pregnancy movies, I much preferred Knocked Up, whose subtle humanity didn't need the flashy indie hipness to attract critical buzz.

For a total flip side, check out last year's Palme d'Or winner (the grand prize at Cannes), 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, whose nightmarish depiction of abortion feels very real indeed; in comparison, Juno's rather trivial, and quite naive (though somewhat refreshing) in its narrative optimism.

Anyway, if Juno wins Best Picture at the Oscars, it's a complete fucking travesty.

I can't stop thinking of There Will Be Blood. I woke up last night dreaming of it, couldn't sleep for thinking of it, and I plan on seeing it again when it comes out on theatrical release proper this Friday. Seriously, guys, see this film; it's the best made since... well, I don't know.

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