I just came back from voting. They were worried that the foul weather would be keeping the voters away. Heck, Maryland has lousy election turn outs if it's sunny and 80 degrees.

But it was sad that there were only 2 pollsters working where I was at. And they were campaigning for the same person. Where are all the people shoving a leaflet in my face. I was very let down.

I remember when I turned 18 and could start to vote, I was so excited. I remember when I was younger my mom and sisters would go to vote. You'd see some friends and neighbors at the polling place, and you'd talk while you all waited in line. They would serve coffee and snacks while you waited. I felt so great when I was part of the grown up crowd and could hang with them doing our civic duty. Now you go in there's no line, and about 3 judges, and at least one is always free. It took me all of 6 minutes from coming in to leaving.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.