Originally Posted By: olivant
 Originally Posted By: chopper
I think i must be the only person in the world to say this but i just didnt find the show funny

It was funny, but hardly the funniest ever. Certainly Cheers and Frasier compete for No.1. Also, Lucy and The Mary Tyler Moore Show

You can't even compare those shows to Seinfeld, they're mostly dead-pan humor. Seinfeld exists in it's own vacuum of comedy, it created it's own niche or milieu. There's no show other than Curb that is even comparable.

The way that Seinfeld's narrative has three or four story lines that SOMEHOW always come together in the end* is sheer genius. Those shows you mention (other than Frasier and maybe Lucy) are Neanderthal when compared to Seinfeld, and are hardly even viewable today. They're absolute trash.

*The episode where George pretends to be a marine biologist and has to save the whale's life is the greatest episode of television history. His recount of the tale back at the cafe to the others is priceless. He pulls out the golf ball and we learn that's what was hindering the whale's breathing, and the viewer of course immediately realizes that it's a Titleist, one of Kramer's. A hole in one!