Originally Posted By: dontomasso
 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
If you're older than 21 and your mother still makes you pastina with butter when you're sick, you might be Italian.

You might also be pushing the envelope on living at home too long.

Where I grew up it was common and a subject of good natured kidding in the Italian families, of which there were many, that the sons were pampered while the girls did much of the work. That was the case in my wife's family where as a teenager and young adult, she, her sister and parents worked very hard in the family enterprise while her brother stayed home and watched TV. He's closing in on 40 now and pretty much runs the business. He has a girlfriend, but still lives in his mother's basement where he continues to be pampered.

My mother-in-law takes out the garbage, and when I asked why her son didn't do it, she answered that she never told him what day the trash collection was.

I don't know if this trait is familiar. I'm sure it exists in other groups too.