Wow, a post about Scarface, and not one mention of Steven Bauer's "Manny Ray."

For me, he makes this movie enjoyable with repeated viewings. If John Travolta had the role as was original intended, it would not have been the same. Manny provides what little depth there is in the film - the scene where he is driving Gina home from the club is one example - and he is endearing. You feel bad for Manny at the end, and kind of despise Tony for what happens. With that, you kind of don't care about Tony's fate because of the type of person he became (and he wasn't all that good to begin with).

The thing with this movie is this: if you watch it over and over again, you pick up little things you may have missed the last time. You think Tony is so stoned out that he doesn't care about what happened to Manny, yet you get to hear little utterances about how he loved him when he's mumbling to himself just before the siege.

The movie was long, let's face it, and it was long with just the basic elements in place. It could have gotten more depth if they did the film ala Kill Bill, Part I & Part II. But you couldn't possibly fit everything into "Scarface."

In the end, they did the best with what they had. And it is good enough for me. I may not care enough about Tony Montana to feel badly for "his fall," but I do enjoy watching their exploits.