Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Does I12 even have any close resemblance to a life, watching shitty movies all day and night?? \:p

I finally saw Saw IV tonight - kinda disappointed. Like most franchises, they only go downhill after the first I think. Perhaps because the shock value is gone, and/or, perhaps because they can't think of cool new ideas. Probably a mix of both. Not terrible - I'd recommend it. But certainly not nearly as good as the first one. And F that retarded director who thought those "transitions" were cool! NOT cool. Distracting and confusing. He should F himself.

(1) I like you Geoff, but why ask questions you already know the answers to?

(2) Outside of PSYCHO and arguably FRIDAY THE 13TH*, what good horror sequels have there been beyond #2?

*=Well, arguable in that the kills/gore became more laughable, as if the filmmakers finally realized that nobody's scared by Jason anymore, so lets have some laughs below the surface.