(First Viewing)

Don't be fooled by the story and cast for this film. Yes, the cast is very good (Gerard Butler, Maria Bello and Pierce Brosnan) but the film could have been better. It was such a breath of fresh air to see Brosnan get down with his dark side like Robin Williams did a few years ago with his "bad guy" trilogy (INSOMNIA, DEATH TO SMOOCHY and ONE HOUR PHOTO). And while I would like to see Brosnan in more roles like this I felt he could have given more. He could have been more evil, more sinister and could have pushed these people harder. There was a nice twist at the end but it seems that these Lionsgate films that I've viewed as of late is all there is. They moderately hook you with a storyline for 90+ minutes and then throw in this twist at the end that's suppose to make it all better. Well, it didn't work the last time and while this surprise was better, it still didn't work this time.