I myself am a huge fan of the movie!
But I also understand why some people find it 'overrated' or even 'bad, a piece of junk,...' From experience I noticed that 90% of people who didn't like Godfather, also don't like Scarface!!
Usually girls (sorry, i'm totally not sexistic) or generally people who don't like 'older' movies, don't like the 'genre' or expect every movie to be top quallity colors, sound, effects, fast-edited...
With these movies you have to understand the time in wich they were made, and take a little while to adjust to the style and tempo of the movie!
Believe it or not, I've had times when I tried to show and explain scarface or Godfather to a non-fan or novice vieuwer, and didn't like the movies myself those moments... You're waiting for a great scene, hoping they will be amazed, impressed, or just liking it, and when the scene comes, they are totally un-interested, give a reaction like :"what's so great about that?"....
I guess these are really movies you LOVE or HATE!!!
One last thing, lots of people say GF3 is so bad?
WHy? I never thought it was bad...
(sorry for spelling-mistakes, i'm from Belgium, I speak DUtch and French normally)

What we do in life echoes in eternity!