Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I was gonna reply to Vencent but I couldn't figure out what he was saying.

As for the "moral story," PLEASE stop this excuse. ANYBODY can relate to a rags to riches story. Not just rappers. People act like it's some kind of special relationship rappers have. I find it hilarious all these rappers are using that as their excuse, however, I have yet to see someone who actually went from rags to riches by working in non-celebrity job to "relate" to it. That's probably because I wouldn't relate myself to a gangster movie if I succeeded in life. The only reason rappers relate to this movie because it's about a minority (yes, I said it) who uses violence to succeed. If Tony Montana worked in a car dealership and went from rags to riches they wouldn't give a shit. And at the degree it is now, liking the movie has become trendy, and many will like it just because their favorite rapper, or jock at the high school does.

And people give Scarface WAY too much credit. It has very little depth. It's a gangster movie about someone who guns their way up to the top. Nothing more.
I agree 100%. It's a fairly good movie, but lately, I have been ashamed to say I like it due to all of the "gangstah" (in which also makes me cringe everytime I here the word) plublicity.

"The toe you stepped on yesterday may be attached to the ass you have to kiss today."
-Former Mayor of Providence, RI, Vincent "Buddy" Cianci