Hey, thanks for the hello everyone!

Yes, unfortunatley that picture is me, though I believe it was a few years old when I posted it, so it's at least 7 years old now! The tipped hair dissapeared a long time ago!

Beth - Hi! Gee you've stuck around for the long haul too! Haven't seen Uzi, though I would love to know what he is up to these days. His 'Uzi's ruminations' or whatever they were called were always enjoyable reading!

Whisper - It's Australia Day saturday! Time to kick back and listen to the hottest 100. Big day coming!!

Yeah, Gunineapig could be pretty extreme but I always thought he was just pushing the boundries. He was a good guy. I guess he just wasn't quite as skilled at pushing those boundries as Uztopoke!

I agree with Saladbar that Marycas may be talking about Joseph. He said some interesting things. He changed his name a few times, did he become or was mistersixer? I can't remember.

It's a shame so many people have left, I thought LDV would be here forever! I checked out the old Scarface board and no one has posted there in 12 months! Though I guess for the safety of mankind, that's a good thing!!

Thanks to TIS, MaryCas, Capo de La Cosa Nostra and SC for remembering little old me! You guys are great!

Oh well, I might stick around for a little and see what else is happening! It's great to be back!

Oh, and thanks Geoff, I couldn't remember what avatar I had! I believe I had that one, Al Neri and a Citizen Kane one!